On November 9, 2023, more than 120 students from Central South University of Forestry and Technology came to our company for a study tour of office chairs. From the mold workshop, injection molding workshop, Goodtone’s workshop, testing center to Goodtone’s exhibition hall, the complete process of office chairs from research and development to production and launch is presented at close range. Students recognized the efficiency and accuracy of the digital management system and the digital workshop production model. They also learned about the production process of office chairs, from cloth cutting, assembly to quality control.


The students first visited the mold workshop to see the impact of advanced mold production equipment and its key impact on product quality. The high-precision grinding machine tools and spark machines demonstrated the technological level of the mold process and emphasized the role of digital management in product quality. The trainees personally experienced the key role of these equipments in product manufacturing, providing insights into product accuracy and stability. Precision protection.

During the actual production, the students loudly witnessed how these equipment carve out the shape and specifications of the product, which triggered in-depth thinking about product design and manufacturing processes. It also emphasized the key position of the mold workshop in product manufacturing. Precision mold manufacturing directly made students realize the precision of product quality and efficient mold manufacturing, providing valuable inspiration for future industrial manufacturing.

Later, the students visited the injection molding workshop. When the students from Central South University of Forestry and Technology visited our injection molding workshop, they not only experienced the advanced injection molding process, but also felt the compelling features of digital management.

Deeply experienced the excellence of advanced injection molding technology and digital management. The digital management system is characterized by efficient, precise and intelligent production methods. The system monitors the operating status of the production line in real time, quickly responds to abnormalities, and minimizes production waste. In addition, the digital system scientifically and rationally plans production, accurately predicts raw material usage and production cycles through data analysis, optimizes production plans, and improves efficiency.

Finally, the students visited Guten’s showroom, a perfect place to showcase the company’s innovative designs and products’ wide range of applications. The exhibition hall not only demonstrates our company's solid foundation in technical strength, but also provides students with rich creative inspiration and practical opportunities.

In the exhibition hall, students can appreciate the company's latest products up close and feel the uniqueness of innovative design. These products reflect advanced material applications, process technologies, and appearance designs that are in line with market trends, showing students the cutting-edge level of the industry. Visiting the entire exhibition hall is not only a display of products, but also a valuable opportunity for students to broaden their horizons and expand their thinking.

Through the exhibition, students can better understand the relationship between design and manufacturing and feel the innovative pulse of the industry, which has a profound impact on their future career choices and development.

This visit and study activity aims to provide students with an opportunity to experience the entire production process of the enterprise up close and deepen their understanding of actual industrial production. Our company welcomes more college students to come and explore the charm of manufacturing together. Let us join hands to create the future and contribute to industrial upgrading and development!

Post time: Nov-28-2023