From March 28th to 31st, an industry event that made everyone excited about furniture was staged in Pazhou, Guangzhou. On the second day of the opening of the 51st China Home Expo (Guangzhou) Office Environment and Commercial Space Exhibition, the popularity of the scene continued With the upsurge, professional visitors from all over the world are busy looking for business opportunities and exploring the future of furniture. In the exhibition hall, the flow of people passed by in a hurry; at the booth, the exhibitors and the audience talked eagerly; while talking and laughing, the joy of harvest was beyond words... Let us feel the warm exhibition scene through frame by frame of video.

ciff 2023
Goodtone Furniture

The Goodtone Furniture exhibition hall has a unique style. Instead of the bright colors in the past, black is used as the main color, like a vast universe, all-encompassing. The chairs placed in the exhibition hall are like stars in the sky, shining their own light.


As we all know, CIFF is an international exhibition, and there are many foreign faces at this year's exhibition. This is a particularly beautiful thing. The COVID-19 pandemic has been dormant for three years, but now the dark clouds have emerged, which is a new start for the foreign trade industry.


In addition, Goodtone invited a live broadcast team to provide another way for customers who could not make it to the show to communicate.


CIFF is still in progress as scheduled. Welcome to come to the booth for exchange and cooperation. Goodtone team will provide better service to all new and old customers.


Post time: Mar-30-2023