Goodtone's Output Value Broke Through Again in October: the Average Output Value of 14.87 Million People Reached 144,400, a New High in 2022-2023!


In October this year, Goodtone achieved new breakthroughs in output value and human efficiency! The output value successfully exceeded 14.87 million, and the per capita output value was as high as 144,400. This number has reached the highest level since 2022-2023. Behind this achievement is the result of the unity, cooperation and hard work of all Goodtone employees.

The Goodtone production team has always adhered to the corporate spirit of "unity, collaboration, hard work, and innovation". They know that only by uniting as one can we overcome difficulties, and only by working together can we achieve success. At work, they support each other, cooperate closely, and face challenges together. Everyone performs their duties in their position and contributes to the success of the team.


Looking back at the growth process of Goodtone Production Center, we can see a vivid picture of unity, cooperation and hard work. Every breakthrough, every innovation, every success is the result of the joint efforts of all production personnel. They use practical actions to fully release the power of unity, and use unremitting efforts to write a glorious chapter of struggle. We look forward to Goodtone continuing to maintain this development momentum in the days to come and bringing more contributions to the industry and the group!

Goodtone’s Autumn Outdoor Development Activities Concluded Successfully


On November 11, seizing the tail end of autumn, Goodtone Business Department organized more than 30 employees from the Financial Management Department, Marketing Center, R&D Center, etc. to the South Bay Forest Ecological Park to carry out outdoor development activities. The trees were lush and the streams were gurgling. The group was divided into two teams, one by water and one by land. Most of the men, led by Denny You, put on river-tracing shoes and went upstream along the stream to "pass the pass." The ladies, led by Chen Zhangming, chose the plank road along the stream, walking on the stream to watch the clear water flowing slowly. The scenery everywhere is beautiful. The last two teams met on the mountainside platform and went down the mountain to taste local snacks. In the beautiful nature, everyone gradually forgot about work worries and chatted about their life experiences and recent hot topics.

This trip not only exercised the physical fitness of these employees who sit for a long time at work, but also provided an opportunity to relax and communicate. , which reflects the care of the group and leaders for employees and enhances the internal cohesion of the business unit.

Goodtone Office Chair

Post time: Nov-21-2023