Goodtone Business Department Held the Fourth Quarter Reading Sharing Meeting

On the morning of December 23, Guteng Business Department held a reading and sharing meeting on "Three Great Classics". The theme of this reading sharing meeting is "Exploring Self-Growth" revolves around three books: "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People", "Resign for Such Cadres", and "How Do You Lead a Team If You Don't Know How to Talk"? In the sharing session, each person introduced and shared their experience after reading the books Everyone not only shared the essence of the book, but also combined it with their own personal experience. It made the sharing more vivid and interesting, and also inspired many new thoughts and inspirations.

The following is the reading of this book excerpts from book sharing sessions:

1. Teamwork and communication: Emphasis on the importance of teamwork and how to communicate and coordinate effectively, including understanding the strengths and weaknesses of team members and how to communicate effectively in different situations.

2. Decision-making and problem solving: Teach how to make wise decisions and how to face and solve problems, which involves analyzing problems, weighing different options, and formulating and implementing solutions。

3. Self-management and development: Provide advice on self-management and personal development, including how to set and achieve personal goals, how to manage time and priorities, and how to continue learning and growing. This reading sharing meeting not only promoted communication and interaction between departments, but also inspired everyone's enthusiasm and motivation for self-growth. If you keep reading, you will gain, grow, and counterattack, and it will help us continue to grow and progress!

Christmas "Peace" Campaign

On the eve of Christmas on December 24, Goodtone Business Department held a meaningful "peace" event for all employees. The purpose of this event is to convey blessings to everyone, and hope that all employees will be healthy and safe in the new year. In order to let all employees fully feel the company's care and warmth, the Goodtone Business Department prepared apples with auspicious meanings in advance and held a ceremony for each apple beautiful packaging. These beautifully packaged apples symbolize peace, health and happiness, and represent the company's deep blessings to its employees. In this event, direct superiors at all levels personally delivered auspicious apples to their subordinates. This move made all employees feel the care and warmth from the company in the cold winter, and also added a festive atmosphere to the upcoming Christmas.


Post time: Dec-27-2023