Collaboration Makes Work More Efficient #VENTION


Headquartered in Canada, with offices around the world, Vention is a leader in promoting industrial automation. In 2022, the company decided to upgrade and expand its headquarters office in Montreal, Canada to provide more functional space to respond to the company's rapid growth and talent and business needs.

Goodtone & Vention
Goodtone & Vention
Goodtone & Vention

Flexible Public Space

Team members not only have private space dedicated to personal business and many more for work, recreation or team events flexible public space.

Vention's goal is to create an office environment that supports discussion and collaboration, and encourages employees to find the best solutions to problems by sharing personal opinions and multiple debates.


Collaboration at the center #VENTION

The design team used soundproof partitions to divide the overall space into nineteen independent spaces to meet the meeting needs of different numbers of participants.
The carefully selected furniture also supports the needs of various human postures such as standing, sitting, and sedentary, providing ergonomic comfort.

Considering that it is the headquarters of the Vention brand, the design team has incorporated a lot of brand elements in the soft decoration design.


According to the culture

As an important material for the manufacture of automated industrial production equipment, metal materials, combined with the representative letter "V" of Vention, are applied to the support structure and appearance design of the Nakajima collaboration area. The brand's iconic blue is also harmoniously and subtly used. Blending into the space is the tinted glass windows that run throughout the office and other enclosed rooms. Create a modern and calm office atmosphere

As founder and CEO Etienne Lacroix put it, Vention's mission is to make it easier and easier for manufacturers to build their own industrial world using automated production like putting together Lego bricks.

Therefore, the design of the headquarters office space should also respond to user needs agilely and quickly like the automated industrial equipment produced by Vention, creating efficient production efficiency.

Goodtone & Vention

Design Team | Blanchette Architects
Client | Vention
Size | 15,000 sq. ft.
Time | 2022
Location | Montreal, Canada

The office chairs in the staff area of the above cases are all made of Goodtone VIX series mesh chairs. The life attitude of "returning to the essence" is the source of inspiration for the minimalist style of VIX, abandoning the useless detail design and focusing on the smooth and smooth back design, thereby reducing the visual impact. The sense of restraint makes the design return to comfort and practicality, giving people a state of calm and tranquility.


Goodtone Vix Office Chair

Post time: Nov-10-2022