Following the biggest 618 event in history, we ushered in the Double 11 e-commerce war.

This year's Double 11 major platforms launched "lowest prices". With many merchants adopting low-price competition strategies, Our e-commerce team worked closely with the platforms to obtain platform resource support, exchange resource packages, and establish cooperation with experts and leading anchors.

In the end, with the unremitting efforts of all members of the e-commerce team and the production center, the overall GMV exceeded 5 million, an increase of 262% compared to last year's Double 11, maintaining the good momentum and achieving good results.

This year, our e-commerce product line has undergone a major upgrade. After preliminary research and analysis of consumers, the e-commerce team reorganized the pain points of consumer demand for products, competed differentiatedly with similar products, and focused on improving product experience, value and design.

In order to achieve better results in the Double 11 promotion,our e-commerce team has implemented marketing planning, visual improvement of store activity page design, and improvement of delivery efficiency through constant monitoring and data adjustment to achieve efficient and accurate layout.

Continue to work hard on content dissemination, through on-site promotion and off-site SEO optimization to attract traffic, close interaction with celebrity bloggers, social media platform promotion and establishing relationships with leading anchors.

Logged into Luo Yonghao's "Make a Friend" live broadcast room on Double 11 to let more consumers know about our products, which greatly improved the brand's influence and popularity, and won the recognition and support of many consumers.

During the Double 11 promotion, the e-commerce team further optimized the balance between front-end and back-end supply and sales.

The average daily working hours of the front-end user experience center have been extended to 14.5 hours to provide better online reception services and answer questions for visiting consumers.

The backend started 20 days of uninterrupted expedited production and successfully solved various bottleneck problems, ensuring that all orders were shipped on time, further improving consumers' shopping experience.

Every struggle is worth recording. Thank you for your hard work.

Next battle: Double 12 battle and victory.Go!Win!

Goodtone Furniture Catalog

Post time: Nov-30-2023