Hello everyone, today I will talk about some misunderstandings in purchasing ergonomic chairs

1. The more expensive the better

Many friends want to invest in the body in one step when buying an ergonomic chair. The idea is good, but the reality is cruel. Is expensive really good? Of course it is good, but this goodness is only for a certain item of it, which may be function, design, brand, comfort, quality and so on. . . . . .

But in daily use, the one that suits you is the kingly way. Some friends must ask me what chair I am sitting on. I will tell you honestly that the entry-level Haworth high-end LOOK I am sitting on has a market price of about 2,000. . . . Why do I sit on it all the time, because it suits me, it has all the functions I need, it is thick, and the most important thing is that it allows me to sit for a long time without getting tired. Another thing is that my budget is not too much.

2. A chair without lumbar support accessories is definitely not good
Many friends feel this way, especially those with waist problems. But it can be said that your ordinary support with a lumbar support is not as strong as I know without a lumbar support, or even much weaker. Why do you say that, because some chairs just put together functions, and they do not have the energy efficiency of the delivered chairs. I just sat on the look by myself, and then the world set by Youmen, these are without lumbar support accessories, but the waist and back support are in place, because the design of the chair has used these functions very well and shipped it energy efficiency.

3. Do you want to bring a headrest?
This problem is estimated to be more concerned. You can take a look at domestic chairs. Many of them have headrests. I don’t know if they are good or not. Comfortable, it is better not to, the general headrest can be up and down, some are still fixed. A friend said that I need a headrest because of my bad cervical spine. My suggestion is to sleep on the bed. Why do you say that, there are very few headrests that can achieve a very good balance with the chair. With a headrest above the back, it can be said that it does not fit the back of the chair. After a long time, the back and shoulders will be sore. Of course, there are special cases. Youmen Set freedom. Many big brands do not have headrests, such as Herman Miller, those who bought headrests are also produced by third parties, the materials are incomparable and the cost performance is not high. There is only one reason why big brands do not produce headrests: Ergonomic chairs are office chairs. Why do you need headrests when you are working or sleeping?

4. Everyone agrees that this chair is good.
They all say that this chair is good, XXX chair is really good, two kinds of people will tell you this, one is that it feels good after sitting for a long time, and the other is the merchant. Any chair should not be a myth, because the more you stand in the sky, the more painful you will be when you fall. The one that suits you is to choose the chair according to your needs, and don't just follow others' opinions. Many reviews and introductions of chairs talk about the hype and never mention the shortcomings, but the psychological gap between the actual ones is huge.

Post time: May-06-2023